How do I find a school that suits my child?

How do I find a school that suits my child?

To do this, first look at what your child needs. Sometimes you know this when you apply, sometimes not until later. Look carefully at what a school can do for your child. Some help the school can always give. This is called basic support.

Sometimes your child needs more. We then speak of extra support. Some schools are organizing something for this. This is contained in the school support profile (SOP). You can find the SOP in the school guide or on the school’s website.

Look around several schools before you sign your child up. Tips:

  1. Ask for a tour of the How do you like the atmosphere? Does it suit you and your child?
  2. Ask to meet with the director or internal supervisor (IB’er).
  3. Ask what help the school often Do they do anything extra for students?
  4. Ask other parents if they are satisfied with the


Look here for more information on registering for elementary school in the municipalities of
The Hague,


Here you will find an overview of schools in the
Haaglanden region.

How do I register my child for a toddler group with vve?

Toddlers are welcome in a toddler group (or preschool or daycare). Here they get the chance for an even better start in elementary school. Some toddlers need a little more time and attention.

This can be in either a preschool group or daycare center. In these places there is extra time and attention for such things as exercise, independence and practice with numbers and letters. We call this vve: preschool or early childhood education.

Your toddler can attend such a group with vve for free or at a lower cost if there is an indication for this. The counseling office will see if your child can use this. Find out how it works and apply in the municipality
The Hague,



How do I enroll my child in a school?

The Hague

In The Hague, registration is done with a general form. You get this from the municipality when your child is almost 3. On the form, you can enter up to 10 schools.

In The Hague, there are elementary school with and without a “pupil ceiling. This means they enroll a maximum number of students per year. If more children are signed up, some do not get a spot. There will then be a draw to determine who gets a spot.

So there are two possibilities:

  1. Want to enroll your child in an elementary school without a student ceiling? Then fill out this school. You don’t have to fill in other schools, because there is definitely a place for your child.
  2. Want to enroll your child in an elementary school with a student cap? Then enter this school as your preferred school. In addition, you also list 4 or more other schools. They you are sure that your child will have a place.

You submit the form to your preferred school. Here you will find more information about applying in the municipality of The Hague and the exact rules about the draw, among other things. You can also email the Parent Service Desk at or call 14070.

Leidschendam-Voorburg and Rijswijk

In Leidschendam-Voorburg and Rijswijk, you register your child directly at an elementary school. Schools use a sign-up sheet for this purpose.

In Leidschendam-Voorburg, follow this procedure:

  • Is your child 0 to 3 years old? Then you can pre-register him or her at several elementary schools. When your child turns 3, you will be told by the schools who your child can Then you will make your final choice.
  • Is your child 3 years old? Then you can apply directly to the school of your You will be notified if your child can be placed. If not, enroll him or her in another school.
  • Is your child older than 4? Then you can check this website to see which school has a spot and enroll your child there.
  • Each school has its own criteria for admitting You can find these on the school website.


In Rijswijk, follow this procedure:

  • Is your child 3 years old? Then you can apply directly to the school of your choice
  • In schools where there are enough spots, your child will be placed immediately after
  • If there are not enough spots, some children can still be placed with priority rules – for example, because their brother or sister is already in that school. You can find these rules for each school in the school guide and on the website.
  • You will usually be notified if your child cannot be placed Then register him or her at another school. Don’t you hear anything? If so, always inform yourself if your child has been placed.

Look here for more information about registering for elementary school in the municipalities of

On the application form, schools often ask for a lot of information. Also, a sign-up sheet often asks for permission – such as to share or request information. All that information can be important to the school. But you don’t have to agree to everything, there are rules for this. This is how you need to know in advance:

  • What information is involved;
  • What that information is needed for;
  • Where it is kept;
  • Those who can

What is a student ceiling?

In The Hague, there are elementary school with and without a “pupil ceiling. A student cap means that the school enrolls a maximum number of students per year. If more children are signed up, some do not get a spot. That will be determined with a draw.

There are different ground rules for signing up with or without a student cap:

With no student cap:

  • Sign up throughout the
  • All children are admitted (unless extra support is needed that the school cannot provide).
  • Only limited administration in the enrollment application of Education
  • There are no rules of precedence, as everyone will be

With student ceiling:

  • Sign in one of the permanent
  • There is a maximum number of spots Those are distributed throughout the year.
  • All applications are registered and processed in the Education Transparency application.
  • A maximum of 4
Can I register my child with a school for special (primary) education myself?

Sometimes it is very clear that your child needs extra support. Help that a regular elementary school in your area cannot provide. Then you can register your child directly with a school for special (primary) education.
Is your child already in a regular school? Then you can also enroll him or her in a school for special (primary) education. Always check with your current school first to see if they can offer additional help.

Is additional support needed beyond basic support? Then the school creates a developmental perspective plan (OPP). Even if they think your child would be better off in special (primary) education.

The school has a duty of care from enrollment. They will investigate whether they can help your child properly and, if necessary, apply for an admission statement (TLV).

What happens when I enroll my child in a school?

Is your child starting school for the first time? Then sometimes you already know that he or she needs extra help. It is good to tell the school that at the time of application.

The school then has 6 weeks to investigate what help your child needs. And whether they can provide them. Usually the school does this by creating a developmental perspective plan (OPP).

Sometimes the school needs more information – or they want to do further research. Then the school may need an additional 4 weeks. The school will let you know what information or research they need and why.

The school’s duty of care begins at registration. Can’t the school itself provide the help for your child? Then they will help you find another school.

If successful, register your child here. That new school then has the duty of care for your child. The duty of care of the first school then stops

When does the school enroll my child?

An application is different from a registration. After applying, the school will see if they can enroll your child. The school will always let you know in a letter or email whether or not your child will be enrolled.

A school’s duty of care does begin at registration. This means that the school ensures that your child receives an appropriate education. Even if the school does not enroll your child. The school will then work with you to find another suitable place.

This may be another elementary school or a school for special (primary) education. This is then stated in the developmental perspective plan (OPP). Special (primary) education requires an admission statement (TLV).

What should I do if I already know my child needs extra help?

Sometimes you know even before your child starts school that he or she needs extra help. If so, tell this when you apply. The school then asks you to share information about your child with them. This is how they discover what help your child needs.

You need to give the school enough information to discover what your child needs. But you don’t have to give the entire report of an investigation to the school, for example. You can also give a part, or a summary.

The school may request contact with a practitioner for your child. You can ask questions about this, such as:

  • What information does the school need, and why?
  • Who will soon be able to read this information?
  • Can’t you just give that information yourself?

The school will always ask your permission first. Otherwise, they may not consult with others about your child. Nor read a research report.

You can also contact the Parent and Youth Support Center