What is fitting education

What is fitting education

Most children are able to follow lessons at school well. But some children need extra help. Sometimes more is needed than the school can give. Then the child goes to another school in the region.

That may be another regular elementary school. Or a school for special (elementary) education. Every child with should receive an education that suits them in the region where they live. It’s called appropriate education.

Schools must ensure that a child receives help at school. Or in another appropriate place. That’s what the law says. We call this duty of care.

What does help and support mean in school?

Every school gives help to children who need it. The basics have to be right. That’s why we call this basic support. All students may use this. The school support profile (SOP) tells you what basic support the school provides.

If a child needs more help, we talk about ‘extra support’. This, too, is described in the SOP. Sometimes SPPOH arranges that extra support. Sometimes the school arranges this itself. Want to read the SOP? It is on the school’s website. If you can’t find it: ask the teacher or internal supervisor about it.

What is a partnership?

Schools (school boards) for regular education, special primary education (sbo) and special education (so) work together in a particular region to provide appropriate education. It’s called a collaborative partnership.

A partnership ensures that any child who needs it gets extra help or can attend a special school. The schools in the partnership agree together on how to arrange this.

SPPOH is the partnership in Haaglanden. They provide appropriate education for all elementary school pupils in the municipalities of The Hague, Leidschendam-Voorburg and Rijswijk.

What is SPPOH?

SPPOH stands for Samenwerkingsverband Passend Primair Onderwijs Haaglanden. All elementary school in the municipalities of The Hague, Leidschendam-Voorburg and Rijswijk are part of SPPOH. Together, they provide appropriate education for all students.

Most students attend elementary school, sometimes with assistance. A small number of students attend education at a school for special elementary education (sbo) or at a school for special education (so).

The agreements and way of working of SPPOH are described in the support plan. You can find this here on
SPPOH’s website.

What is a developmental perspective plan (OPP)?

Does your child need more than basic support? Then the school makes a plan. That plan outlines how the school will help your child feel good and learn well. The school makes goals to work on.

Such a plan is called a developmental perspective plan (OPP). Even if your child attends special (primary) education, the school will create an OPP. Usually the internal supervisor (IB’er) does this.

The school will discuss with you which goals will go into the OPP. And how the school is going to help your child with this. The OPP consists of at least two parts: the outcome profile and the action part.

The attainment profile states what type of subsequent education the school is working toward. At what level will your child be at at the end of elementary school? And what kind of education can your child follow after elementary school? The intervention section describes the extra help your child will receive to achieve the goals. The school also discusses this with you. Because you have to agree together. This is called the right to consent. The school usually asks you to put your signature. This way it is clear that you agree.

The school talks to you about the OPP at least once a year.

What is duty of care?

Every child should receive an education that suits him or her. And get extra help when needed. The school board must provide that. That’s called duty of care. The school investigates what help your child needs – and whether they can provide it themselves.

Sometimes the school needs help, such as from SPPOH. And maybe another school will be a better fit. Then the school will help you find another school. The school in which your child is enrolled has a duty of care. Even if there is extra help through SPPOH.

When does a school have a duty of care?

The school’s duty of care begins when you register your child in writing. Do you expect your child to need additional support? Then you are required to indicate this when you apply.


The duty of care continues until you register your child with another school. At that point, that new school will have the duty of care. Even if they feel another school is a better fit for your child. Only parents can register their child.

Sometimes the school has no duty of care, namely…

  • If the school is full for all And so not only for students who need extra help.
  • If you as a parent disagree with how the school thinks about education and parenting. We call this “not subscribing to the foundation.

The school has six weeks to determine if they will admit your child. This period may be extended by four weeks if necessary.

The school first investigates whether they themselves have a teaching place for your child. Can’t they provide the right help, even with support from SPPOH? Then they will help you search for an appropriate school.

What is a school board?

All schools have a school board. They are responsible for decisions about the school and education. They usually do this for several schools. The school guide will tell you which school board your school belongs to.

The school board ensures that money is distributed, schools have enough staff and education is good.

Also, school boards have a duty of care. The school board must ensure that the school arranges for each child to receive an education that suits him or her. And that students get extra help when needed. They sometimes do this with help from SPPOH.


Sometimes the school board leaves much to the school leadership. But the board always remains ultimately responsible.

You can also contact the Parent and Youth Support Center