What if my child needs youth services at school?


What if my child needs youth services at school?

Sometimes part of your child’s extra help consists of youth services. Consider extra tutoring, or coaching for your child at school.

The school and the municipality are working together on this. SPPOH makes agreements about this once every 4 years with the municipalities of The Hague, Rijswijk and Leidschendam-Voorburg.

The school investigates what your child needs in terms of extra help. What is going on and what plan might best fit this, the school writes down in a developmental perspective plan (OPP). The school discusses this OPP with you as a parent.

If your child needs youth services to get a good appropriate education, information about this is in the OPP. This tells you what kind of care or help your child needs and how it will be arranged.

Youth aid is implemented by the municipality. This is free. As a parent, you can also ask your municipality or family doctor for youth assistance yourself.

What is school social work?

Do you have questions or concerns about your child’s behavior – or parenting, for example? Or are there questions or concerns from the school? Then you can contact the school social worker.

The school social worker offers support to your child, to you as a parent and to the school with these types of questions. The main goal is for your child to have healthy development and education.

The school social worker works with the school, with your child and with you as a parent. You make an appointment for an interview. And if necessary, he or she engages other help. You can think about family help, or help from a psychologist or remedial educator.

In The Hague and Rijswijk, school social work in elementary school is provided by
. In Leidschendam-Voorburg, this is the organization

How do I report to school social work?

How do I report to school social work?

You can ask at school for the contact information of your school social worker. You can then make an appointment for an interview.

But you can also contact directly yourself
(The Hague and Rijswijk) or
(Leidschendam-Voorburg). They organize school social work for elementary schools in the region.

What is youth aid?

It is important for every child to grow up healthy and safe. Sometimes, as a parent, you can use advice or help with this, such as behavioral problems. Or if your child is clearly not comfortable in his or her own skin. That is what youth aid is for.


You can also turn to youth aid with questions and concerns about living with a disability, money matters, raising your child(ren), relationships, education, housing, care and informal care. Very broadly so. Feel free to ask for help or advice.


Unfortunately, there are waiting lists for youth services in many places. It may take a few months until help starts. Therefore, sign up as soon as possible. The sooner you do this, the better you can be helped.

If your child needs youth services to get a good appropriate education, information about this is in the developmental perspective plan (OPP). As a parent, you can also ask for youth assistance yourself. You can do this directly with your municipality, or through your doctor.

What is Integral Early Help?

Do you have a child up to 4 years old? And are there concerns about development or behavior? If so, discuss this with the child health agency or youth health clinic. If the concerns are serious or it is unclear what is going on, IVH can help.

The IVH team is a team of different social workers. Such as a pediatrician, remedial pedagogue, psychologist and/or speech therapist. Each counselor approaches your child’s development and your questions from the perspective of their profession. That’s how you get there early. You help your child develop well at an early age. For help from the IVH team, you need an order from the CJG, youth aid or the family or youth doctor. The counseling office can help you with this.

The IVH team is organized by MEE ZHN. Read more about
IVH in our


Is there additional support at school from youth services?

Yes, in an Education Youth Aid Arrangement (OJA), the special education school and youth aid work together. Counselors attend the special education school.

What is an Education Youth Assistance Arrangement (OJA)?

In an Education Youth Assistance Arrangement (OJA), the school and youth assistance work together. This allows them to help your child quickly. An OJA is designed for children who need it to receive an education.


Support takes place at school, in or out of the classroom. An OJA is not available at every school. Only special education schools (cluster 3 and 4) can use an OJA. And schools offer different arrangements.


If the school feels an OJA is needed, they will discuss this with you in a multidisciplinary consultation (MDO). The goals for your child are written down in the OPP. The OPP will be discussed with you twice a year. Then it will show whether help is still needed.

There are several arrangements:

  1. Personal care: in cluster 3 schools, a personal care attendant is present. He or she helps children who need it at school with eating, drinking, dressing and/or toilet visits. The school investigates what your child needs.
  2. Shadow guidance. A “shadow” is a facilitator in the classroom. One shadow can supervise multiple students in a class. If the school finds that your child needs extra help in the areas of behavior, (social) skills or emotion, a shadow is used.
  3. Ambulatory counseling. If the school finds that your child needs extra help in the areas of behavior, (social) skills or emotion, they may use a personal tutor outside the classroom for your child.
What if I disagree with the youth assistance I receive?

Are you dissatisfied with the help you receive? Or would you like more help? If so, have a conversation with the school or with the youth service provider. Try to discuss what you see. And what does the school or the youth service provider think? Listen to each other.

Realize that you both want the best for your child. Discuss your points calmly. Try to figure out together how to move forward. Sometimes it helps not to talk about the disagreement, but to talk about how you can reach a solution.

Are you really not getting there? Then you can file a complaint with the municipality. For advice and help in filing a complaint about youth aid, you can contact the confidential advisor of the
Advice and Complaints Office for Youth Care (AKJ).

You can also contact the Parent and Youth Support Center