What if my child needs another school?

What if my child (may) need another school?

Sometimes the school thinks your child would be better off attending another school. This can be at registration, but also when your child is already in school. The school then says, for example:

  • That they cannot get the right help
  • That a small, quieter class is better for your

Exactly what help your child needs is outlined in a developmental perspective plan (OPP). The school always consults with you about this. The OPP may state that your child would be better off attending another school and why.

Your child will remain enrolled in school until another school is found and you have enrolled your child in the new school. After all, your child should always be able to go to school. The school has a duty of care until you enroll your child in another school.

Special (elementary) education may be the best place. Or an elementary school that can provide other extra help. If your child attends special (primary) education, the school must apply to SPPOH for an admission statement (TLV).

Is your child (temporarily) unable to attend school? For example, due to a physical or psychological disability? If so, the Varia Act may provide a solution. The Varia Act allows you, together with the school, to look for other options.

The Varia Act regulates that your child can get more customized help. For example, through temporary part-time education. The goal is for your child to develop to the point where they can go back to school all the way.

What is an educational report (OKR)?

The old school must give information about your child to the new school. That new school can be another regular elementary or middle school – or special (elementary) education.


The school provides the information in an educational report (OKR). The educational report contains 5 sections of information:

  • Administrative data, such as name and date of birth
  • Learning outcomes and school recommendation
  • Social and emotional development and
  • Guidance information
  • Whether your child has been frequently absent (not attending school)

The school produces the OKR. But you may ask the school to include your comments.

What is the difference between special education (SO) and special elementary education (SBO)?

Special elementary and special education are different:


Special primary education

This education falls under the same law as the regular elementary school. Therefore, the children learn the same as in the regular elementary school.

Special education

This education falls under a different law. It has different learning objectives. So your child must have learned other things by the end of school.

On the website of
you will find all schools for special (elementary) education in the region.

What is special elementary education (SBO)?

Schools for special primary education (sbo) can accommodate children who have difficulty learning or behavioral problems. Children dealing with parenting problems can also come here.

Classes tend to be smaller, so there are fewer incentives. There is also more extra help. The learning objectives (i.e., what children should be able to do by the end of school) are the same as in a regular elementary school.

Placement at an SSO school works differently from a regular school. Before placement, the school must apply to SPPOH for an admission statement (TLV).

There may be a waiting list for special elementary education. Until your child can go there, the old school holds the duty of care. They must teach. Once your child is enrolled at the new school, that school will have the duty of care.

What is special education (SO)?

Some children need more and different support than the (special) elementary school provides. There are special education (STI) schools for these students:


  • They may be children with mental or physical
  • There are also STI schools for children with behavioral problems or intellectual disabilities.

Placement in a so-school works differently than a regular school. Before placement, the school must apply to SPPOH for an admission statement (TLV).

Special education schools used to be classified into 4 types. These were called “clusters. Now that is no longer the case. Yet those clusters are still sometimes called that. Therefore, we explain here what the clusters are.

Cluster 1: blind or visually impaired children (visual impairment).
Cluster 2: children who have difficulty hearing, language and/or speaking.
Cluster 3: physical disability or intellectual disability (very difficult to learn, long-term sick children or children with epilepsy).
Cluster 4: children with behavioral and psychiatric problems.

The schools that provide support for students from cluster 1 and 2 are not part of SPPOH. However, SPPOH does cooperate with these schools. Schools specializing in cluster 3 and 4 do belong to SPPOH.

Whether your child is better off going to the STI will be determined by the developmental perspective plan (OPP). The OPP is discussed with you as a parent.

There may be a waiting list for special education. Until your child can go there, the old school holds the duty of care. They must teach. Once your child is enrolled at the new school, that school will have the duty of care.

What is an eligibility statement (TLV)?

If your child goes to special (primary) education, the school where you have registered your child applies for an admission statement (TLV) with SPPOH. They decide if your child is admissible for special education.

SPPOH seeks the advice of two experts for this purpose. For example, a remedial educationalist, psychologist, educator, social worker or physician.

The TLV also states what help your child needs. And whether SPPOH receives money from the government to provide appropriate education for your child. The school board of the school for special (elementary) education then decides whether to admit your child.

Usually the school board has a Guidance Committee for this purpose. The school reviews include:

  • Whether the help your child needs fits their education
  • Whether the school your child currently attends can do anything extra

Do you disagree with the TLV application or the TLV decision? Then you can appeal to the
National Objection Advisory Committee.

What if I disagree with the request for a TLV?

Usually school and parents agree on special (elementary) education placement. But you can object if you disagree with the application for the permissibility statement (TLV) or with the advice about it.

You submit that objection to the
National Objection Advisory Committee.
The committee will then give a recommendation to SPPOH. SPPOH will then make a decision on the objection.

Can my child return to a regular school?

Yes you can. If the school, you and your child think it’s best. The school your child attends now can help find a school that can provide the right help. The school support profile states what help a school can provide.

What if my child attends a (specialized) school that is far away?

A school for special (elementary) education is often further away from home. Therefore, children attending this education can often use pupil transportation. This is subject to conditions. This varies by municipality.

With student transportation, your child is picked up and brought back home by a van or cab. But in addition to a (cab) bus, it can also include reimbursements for public transportation and for car or bicycle.

Pupil transportation can be requested from your municipality. Find out how it works in
The Hague,


You can also contact the Parent and Youth Support Center